Description = "User \"Domain\\SCCMAdmin2\" does not have permissions to grant rights on this instance."; ErrorCode = 1112017920;

The domain user account which had full Security rights in SCCM console, if got disabled & your new domain account is not having equivalent full rights. Then how will you access SCCM objects or delgate access to other user accounts?

Security rights provide the capability to define and refine the level of access that users have when working with configuration manager objects. This gives you the ability to delegate specific tasks to specific groups of users.
In my environment
SCCM 2007 was installed by domain admin account "domain\SCCMAdmin1" on Primary site server. Domain\SCCMAdmin1 account has full access on all instances. As employee left the organization, this user account got disabled.
Then we created another domain admin account "domain\SCCMAdmin2",
Now if anyone will try to copy permissions of "domain\SCCMAdmin1" to "domain\SCCMAdmin2", definately it will give following error

ConfigMgr Error Object:
instance of SMS_ExtendedStatus
Description = "User \"Domain\\SCCMAdmin2\" does not have permissions to grant rights on this instance.";
ErrorCode = 1112017920;
File = "c:\\qfe\\nts_sms_fre\\sms\\siteserver\\sdk_provider\\smsprov\\sspsecurity.cpp";
Line = 936;
ObjectInfo = "256";
Operation = "PutInstance";
ParameterInfo = "";
ProviderName = "ExtnProv";
StatusCode = 2147749889;

The solution for this is

Go to the command prompt
Type "at 11:30 /interactive cmd.exe" (where 11:30 is 2 minutes from the current time)
Wait for a second command prompt to open
In the second command prompt type mmc.exe
add the configuration manager admin snap-in
Go to security rights and grant that user account the permissions required


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