Error “The WebDAV server extension is either not installed or not configured properly” in Configuration Manager 2007 on Windows Server 2008 R2

SMS Site Component Manager failed to install component SMS_MP_CONTROL_MANAGER on server SMS01.
If  I check the SCCM status (Go to System Status in the left pane, expand it, and choose Site Status, then your SCCM site code, then Component Status), it shows me that there were problems with my Management Point which were preventing it from starting.

If I right-click on the Critical error, and choose Show Messages, All. It shows me following error
The WebDAV server extension is either not installed or not configured properly.
Solution: Make sure WebDAV is installed and enabled. Make sure there is an authoring rule that allow "All users" read access to "All content". Make sure the WebDAV settings "Allow anonymous property queries" and "Allow property queries with infinite depth" are set to "true" and "Allow Custom Properties" is set to false.If I checked in SCCM status (click System Status in the left pane, expand it, and choose Site Status, then your SCCM site code, then Component Status), this revealed there were problems with my Management Point which were preventing it from starting.

So as per the error message above we need to verify the following:-

1) Make sure WebDAV is installed and enabled.

2) Make sure there is an authoring rule that allow "All users" read access to "All  content".

3)Make sure the WebDAV settings "Allow anonymous property queries" and "Allow property queries    with infinite depth" are set to "true" and "Allow Custom Properties" is set to false.[it's set to true]
WebDAV was installed, but rather a slight configuration change was needed, so we will let’s start up Server Manager and click on roles, then select Web Server IIS and then Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, then select your website listed under Sites (probably called Default Web Site unless you changed it).
Let’s start with adding a new authoring rule.

Double click on WebDav authoring rules .Next click on Add authoring rule under actions and make the changes as per below screenshot, click ok when done and you'll see your new authoring rule listed in Webdav.

Click on WebDav Settings now

make the changes above ("Allow anonymous property queries" and "Allow property queries with infinite depth" are set to "true", and "Allow Custom Properties" is set to false.)

Click Apply in the actions pane.

Lastly you should change the WebDav Behaviour for Allow hidden files to be listed from False to True if this is going to be a Distribution Point using BITS.
Go again to SCCM Configuration Manager console, under site status, right click on your SITE and choose Reset Counts,  All. & refresh the system status.
Now we can see in System Status for our Management Point, that it has installed and started properly.


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